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Related article: visits to this fabulous library, which has been a main resource for my studies of the futures literature. (4) Michel Godet: Introduction to La Prospective. Seven Key Ideas and One Scenario Method. Futures No 2 1986, pp. 134-57. (5) Carna Zacharias: Wo liegt Utopia? Nur wer tr?umt, ist Realist. Munich, Sch?nberger, 1985. (6) In Fors?k for forandring? Alternative veier til et b?rekraftig samfunn, Oslo, Spartacus 1997 (English short version Toward Governance for Future Generations. How do we change course? Futures No. 4 1998, pp 277-92), I have discussed five alternative strategies for a transition Generic Testosterone Anadoil to a sustainable society. These are the Reformists (such as Gore), the Impatient Revolutionaries (such as Robert Heilbroner), the Patient Revolutionaries (such as Milbrath), the Grassroot Fighters (such as Murray Bookchin) and the Multifaceted Radicals (such as Meyer). (7) Dennis Gabor: Inventing the Future. London, Secker and Warburg, 1963/New York, Knopf, 1964. THE 60 Buy Testosterone Anadoil KEY WORKS * Barney, Gerald O. (ed.): The Global 2000 Report to the President. Entering the 21st Century. A Report Prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982. 766 p. (First published 1980.) * Bell, Daniel: The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting. New York, Basic Books, 1973. 507 p. * Bell, Wendell: The Foundation of Futures Studies: Human Science for the 21st Century. ?, Mc Graw-Hill 1997. * Bestuzhev-Lada, Igor: A Short History of Forecasting in the USSR. Article in "Technological Forecasting and Social Change", 41:3, May 1992, pp. 341-8. * Blackman, Colin and Olugbenga Adesida (eds.): African Futures. Special issue of "Futures" (9/1994). * Brown, Lester et al.: Vital Signs 2002. The Trends That are Shaping Our Future. New York, Norton/London, Earthscan 2002. 192 p. * Brundtland, Gro Harlem (chairman): Our Common Future. Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 1987. 383 p. * Carson, Rachel: Silent Spring. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1962/London, Hamish Hamilton 1963. 304 p. * Cornish, Edward (ed.): The Study of the Future. An Introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow's World. Bethesda, World Future Society, 1977. 308 p. * Cournand, Andr? and Maurice Levy (eds.): Shaping the Future. Gaston Berger and the Concept of Prospective. New York/London/Paris, Gordon and Breach 1973. 300 p. * Dammann, Erik: Revolution in the Affluent Society. London, Heretic, 1984. 173 p. (Norwegian original: Revolusjon i velferdssamfunnet - 1979.) * Ekins, Paul (ed.): Wealth Beyond Measure. An Atlas of New Economics. London, Gaia, 1992. * Flechtheim, Ossip K.: History and Futurology. Meisenheim am Glan, Anton Hain, 1966. 126 p. * Fowles, Jib (ed.): Handbook of Futures Research. Westport(Connecticut)/London, Greenwood, 1978. 822 p. * Freeman, Christopher and Jahoda, Marie (eds.): World Futures. The Great Debate. London, Martin Robertson, 1978. 416 p. * Garrett, Martha J. et al.: Studies for the 21st Century. Paris, UNESCO, 1991. 642 p. * Godet, Michel: Creating Futures. Scenario Planning as a Strategic Management Tool. London, Economica, 2001. 269p. * Gore, Al: Earth in the Balance. Forging a New Common Purpose. London, Earthscan, 2000. 408 p. * The Group of Lisbon: Limits to Competition. Lisbon, Gulbenkian Foundation, 1993. 182 p. * Harman, Willis W.: Global Mind Change. The Promise of the last Years of the Twentieth Century. Sausalito, Institute for Noetic Sciences, 1988. 185 p. * Henderson, Hazel: Paradigms in Progress: Life Beyond Economics. Indianapolis, Knowledge Systems, 1991. 293 p. * Herrera, Amilcar (ed.): Catastrophe or New Society? A Latin American World Model. Ottawa, International Development Centre, 1976. * Homann, Rolf: Zuk?nfte - heute denken morgen sein. Z?rich, Orell F?sli 1998. 191p. * Jantsch, Erich: Technological Forecasting in Perspective. Paris,